Siemens Mobility
An idea.
Co-creating the future of passenger mobility.
How can we make the future of travel tangible together? Very concretely and together with the customers and partners of the Siemens Mobility brand – in order to then develop the future further together.
Co-creation is a strategic tool for Siemens Mobility. The goal: to bring this important process to life as a space, as a film, as a workshop system. Once, twice – always on, always beta.
Permanent beta: First, the temporary design thinking workshop was created at Inno-Trans 2022 in Berlin. Second, the studio at the production site in Krefeld was permanently implemented. For all stakeholders on site. The third time…
…To be continued.
Bringing the right minds together:
Co-creation as a workshop
Multiple perspectives at one table. An abstract model in the middle, with which everyone travels into the future for a moment. A space that everyone can literally describe with their ideas. Hosts with joy and expertise. A professional scribbler to help with visualization the many results.
Zack done: The design thinking workshop.
Set the right impulses:
Co-creation as a film.
Developing impulses and ideas from and with the customers. Finding time and space for this at a trade fair is always a challenge. The co-creation film clears the mind for this. Free for something new.

Create the right atmosphere:
Co-creation as a space.
Design thinking as a principle. The room as a design workshop – and as a built invitation to help design:
Take what you need.
Here we go.
“The concept worked perfectly. DB spontaneously booked 3 more appointments. We were fully booked then!”
The correct further development:
is always the next one. The same process.
A new space.
Lived co-creation in different formats. Permanent Beta.

Co-creation at the Rolling Stock Studio Krefeld.
The next, permanent oppotunity for all people who help shape the brand was created in Krefeld. A place for the agile needs of everyone involved. A space as a container for collecting all ideas and impulses.
Co-Creation at Rolling Stock Studio Krefeld.
Together with Siemens Mobility
- Winkels Interior & Exhibition GmbH