The platform for creativity.
ADC Website & App
Every year, the Art Directors Club for Germany (ADC) awards the most outstanding works of the creative industry.
With the further development of digital channels, a platform for creativity for web and app was created where inspiration, knowledge sharing and networking come together. Our claim: A user experience that is worthy of an award for the ADC, its members and supporters.
Appreciation for creative works and their creators. The centrepiece is the ADC Gallery with all winning works and all submissions of the past years. New features such as Choices, in which jury members present their highlights, create real added value. Thanks to intuitive tools such as the Event Planner and Audio Guides, the app serves as a trailblazing supplement at your festival visit.
The result is a consistent user experience on all devices. A full creative database, an app that makes ADC even more tangible and other exciting new features create an inspiring brand presence.

From the app to the web.
The transfer of the ADC Gallery and the ADC Choices from the app to the web presented us with two challenges. On the one hand, the database created especially for the app with all the submitted works also had to be made accessible for the web presence, and on the other hand, a solution had to be found for the high cache load due to the large amounts of data. We were able to meet these challenges and thereby create a holistic user experience.
Everything at a glance.
The ADC website has become an important channel with over 1 million visitors per year. With the ADC Gallery, the most desired feature has been added, which will further fuel growth. The number of visitors to the ADC App and the length of stay have also doubled compared to the previous year. It counts more than 50,000 active users with over 2 million views.

- Hanseatics Rich Media GmbH
- Jan Tackmann